image Must Have Tool For Every Email Marketer image

Explode Email Marketing With
Better Delivery, Open Rates &

Clean & Manage Any Email List With On Your Computer

Compatible with PC image & Mac image

Import Your Lists Into Autoresponders Easier & Don’t Get Banned
By SMTP Services By Keeping Your List Clean @ One Time Cost

30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee
Improve Email Delivery & Inboxing
Protects From Autoresponders & SMTP Bans
Boost Your Click Through Rate
Reduce Bounces & Invalid Emails
Boost Your Email Open Rates
Segment & Manage Your Lists Easily
Get Into The Inbox
Reduce Your Marketing Cost
Filter & Search Your List
Do A/B Marketing with Your Lists
Create Sub-lists & Merge Lists
Analyze Your List Patterns

Does It Make Any Sense At All Not To
Have Clean Segmented Lists ?

Why should you still be carrying invalid, duplicate, bad email addresses?

You can achieve so much more with a more organised list. Specially now when List Janitor makes it simple and inexpensive. No need to pay an online list cleaning service a bomb to get this done.

See What Our Users Say About
List Janitor

“What a boss tool to use for risk assessment! You are right there isn’t anything like this out there- You'll never worry about being banned by your autoresponder again”
David Robinson
“This software is amazing- It replaces convertkit on its own. It is a must have in email marketing. Thanks"
Ghislain Lome
“Obviously it will benefit anyone, not only for cleaning up my lists. and I have Email Jeet as well and will need to keep on top of this myself. I am sick of fake email addresses and fake servers."
Jade Campbell
“OMG! This is a desparately needed piece of software for every online marketer! What an awesome program to have!”
John Wilder
“I tried many list cleaning services including one suggested by aweber but they rejected the import I got a copy of List Janitor and guess what it worked like a charm Aweber accepts my import Thanks bro you got a killer product."
Sandy Nayak
30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee


  • Clean your list on your desktop computer without paying a costly list-cleaning service.
  • Take up any old or new list and clean/segment it in no time.
  • Removes duplicate emails
    from single or multiple
  • Removes role emails and spam traps.
  • Verifies domain validity (mail server validity)
  • Import and manage your list from any autoresponder including Aweber, GetResponse, etc. with a CSV file.
  • Verifies each email address exists using SMTP technology.
  • Lets you merge lists, find common or unique addresses from multiple lists, and segment lists easily.
  • Filter and manage email lists on a number of parameters easily.
  • Create list segments or sub-lists on nearly any parameter you want. (Pro Version)
  • Generate CSVs that you can import into any autoresponder and also use on SMTP services.
  • Works on your PC or Mac computer.

Hi Online Marketer,

What’s the most powerful way of selling online? No, there are no prizes because you know it already. Everybody knows it. Heck! Even your cat knows this much.

Email Marketing Is The Most Powerful Online Marketing system.

How much more powerful ? Just look at these handy little statistics that we found online with a simple Google search.

Email Marketing Is INSANE!


Every day millions of sales Emails are being sent around the world, and someone is getting paid for a sale or a commission all because of the power that their email list holds.

If you’re a list marketer, you’ve got one of the easiest ways to wax out your business online.

30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

What People Are Saying?

Barry Gordon
“List cleaning should be part ot your good hygiene regimen. So when you take your weekb Saturday night bath use a product ListJanitor give your email list a good scrubbing, too. Your open rate will surge and allow you to focus on the customers that realy matter. Thanks Teknikforce for this great tool.”
Brue Cor
“Email marketing is junk without a clean list”
30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

So Why Is Your Email Marketing Still
Paying You Less Than It Should?

Because no matter how well planned a marketing system is, you still need to do it right to create an impact on your business. If you don’t do it right you will keep going around in circles and the rest of the world will seem to pull it off right in front of you.

Is the following happening to you?

You’re working very hard on list-building and writing good quality emails with fantastic headlines and superb call-to-actions, but you are not getting the desired results because you're facing problems like these.


Your open rate is
lower than you expect
it to be


Your autoresponder
doesn't let you segment
lists further.


You are ending up
in the Promotions tab,
or even Spam.


Your click through
rate is really bad.


You are spending a lot
of money on unresponsive

The fact is

Most of these problems are due to an unclean, unorganized list. If you had a way to clean your list often without major expense, and you could organize your list better, you can solve these problems and also get a major boost in your revenues.

30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

What People Are Saying?

Mike Jackson
“I use my own autoresponder and manage clients email campaigns. List Janitor will be a huge help in minimising the bounce rates. I'm thinking of using LJ as a free list cleaning service as a hook to get new clients.”
Lonnie Love
“This is a definite Game Changer and will really save me time as well as my prospects.”
“My autoresponder can't survive without such a unique software...
I can't either survive without my autoresponder
Thanks Teknikforce for making my life easier!”
30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

Are You Truly Capitalizing on
Email Marketing?

#Opportunity: Be Able to
Change Autoresponders

Do you feel locked down by your autoresponder? You used their list collection system to build your list, and now you’re locked in. You have to tolerate their low delivery rates, open rates, and live with inefficiency because you can’t change your autoresponder.

Yes, autoresponders do not allow import of unclean lists. So unless your list is clean, properly segmented and has no invalid emails, spam traps, role email addresses you will not make it.


List Janitor lets you clean your list easily. It removes all the invalid emails, duplicate emails, role email addresses, domains that are not valid and even verifies each email individually to give you a clean, sanitized lists that autoresponders can import.


#Opportunity: Use Professional
STMPs to Mail Your List

What’s even better than an autoresponder? A professional SMTP service provider like Sendgrid, or Elastic Email, or SMTP2GO, or Dyn.

All of these companies do only one thing. Send your email. Period.

They don’t try to capture your leads for you and hold them hostage. They don’t try to build your sales pages or your funnels.

All they do is send your email.

Pay attention to that. That’s the only one thing they do, that’s why they have a major incentive to do it really well.

When you use a professional SMTP instead of an autoresponder, you’ll be able to get two major advantages.


An immediate boost in your email delivery rate, open rate and CTR.


The capacity to mail any list at all.

The only problem again. SMTPs require 100% clean list. They ban you immediately if you mail an unclean list.


List Janitor makes cleaning your list easy and cost effective. You will be able to mail using pro STMP successfully. Yep, just break out of the autoresponder hegemony.

#Opportunity: Mail All Your
Customers No Matter How They
Signed Up

One of the biggest problems with having an autoresponder mechanism is that you can’t mail the customers who didn’t sign up using the autoresponder. For example, if you have customers who signed up from within your product, or maybe to your blog, or your support center, etc., there’s no way to mail them.

If you acquired customers by buying out a product, a business, or by co-launching a product with someone, then you'll also find that you can't mail the buyers.

You can't even send them an update notification.

The only way to solve this problem is by importing the buyers list into the autoresponder or using a SMTP service. Both of which require that the list is 100% clean.


With List Janitor you can clean your list from any source and either autoresponder, or mail using SMTP services.


#Opportunity: Segment &
Filter Your Lists

One of the best ways to improve delivery is to segment your list. If you're using an autoresponder it's likely that you've segmented only on the basis of the product that people signed up for.

What if you could also segment for domains, regions, countries, demographics?

That kind of targeting is just not possible using traditional autoresponders. If you were able to do this however, you can create tailored messages for your audience and boost your open rates and sales quite a bit.


With List Janitor's powerful segmentation features you can segment lists based on any parameter. You can also combine the lists any way you want. Just import them into autoresponders or send the mail using SMTP when done.

#Opportunity: A/B Testing

One of the best ways to find out what works and what doesn't work is to do A/B testing. That means sending parts of your list a different email and others parts a different email so that you can identify which pitch works best.

That's not possible using autoresponders because they don't let you segment your emails.


With List Janitor you can create sub lists and segments divided on any criterion you want and mail them.


#Opportunity: Save Mailing Costs

It just doesn't make sense paying extra for defunct, dead, spam traps, role and unresponsive email addresses. They not only cost more, they also drag the overall deliverability and open rate down, affecting your mail performance and returns. Sadly, cleaning your list and removing these email addresses is hard.


List Janitor cleans your list of all the bad email addresses, improving your overall delivery and brings to you more value for every $ spent.

30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

What People Are Saying?

Laurence Cooney
“I need this to go wth my other products that I have bought from you. All products are great and i hope this one will work as good as the rest”
Philip Tan
“List cleaning is one of the most challenging tasks if you do not have an automated tool that is reliable and accurate. This will certainly help avoid the many problems working with email services providers.”
John Wilder
"OMG! This is a desparately needed piece of software for every online marketer! What an awesome program to have!"
30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

List Janitor Is A Must Have Tool For Any
Email Marketer

You're already investing 100s of dollars a month in email marketing. You're paying your autoresponder a monthly fee. Paying even more on creating content, products, advertising so that you can build your list and grab leads. So why leave out a loose end that's inflating your costs?

With List Janitor you'll be able to maintain squeaky clean, shining, well-oiled lists that are segmented and respond extremely well to your emails all at a small one-time cost.

This tool is as important in your toolset as your autoresponder. A must-have to unlock the true potential of your email marketing.


The Complete List Cleaning & List

List Cleaning Features

Grow your lists, increase conversions, and optimize your audience engagement with beautiful emails and autoresponders, high-converting web forms, laser-sharp segmentation, and unique delivery tools.


List Management Features

Plan, build, and manage individual customer journeys based on your subscribers' data, needs, and actions. Use the simple "if-then" logic of conditions, actions, and filters arranged into workflows.


List Janitor Is The Best Email List
Cleaning Solution
For You


Why Pay More Again & Again For
Something Else?

What You’ll Pay If You Used Something Else To Clean A List of 25,000


Yes, all the solutions charge a recurring fee. Which means you’ll be paying a ton of dollars every time you get your list cleaned, while List Janitor can do this again and again for a small one-time cost.

That's not all. If you pay those cleaners you will get NONE of the list management features. Yes! Everything is missing.

Do you really want to pay more for an inferior solution?

Check Out How Powerful
List Janitor Is


Import and work with
lists all together on
the same screen.

Powerful list cleaning system cleans your list using
Multi-threading technology.


Unique list management features to help you create more targeted lists for your marketing.

Filter and search any email
or group you want.


Save lists in .Txt or .CSV
and import them

Powerful List Segmentation


What People Are Saying?

Johan de Witt
"The perfect tool to prevent the dilution of my sender score and to improve deliver-ability and at the same time saving money on useless emails in your lists. It can also be very effective in segmenting your list in ways which may not be available on your autoresponder."
Clive McGonigal
"As a marketer with multiple lists, many of which have the same emails in them I see many uses for this tool over and above cleaning out the mails that do not exist or are spam traps. Merging small lists makes perfect sense to me. I'm looking forward to the launch."
30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

Is Your Email Marketing
Not Taking You Anywhere

Don't Let Inertia Keep You From Growing Your Business

  • Stop letting autoresponders decide your course of action in Email Marketing.
  • Stop paying more every month for bad and invalid email Addresses.
  • Stop ruining your delivery rate and your open rate by mailing to bad email addresses.
  • Stop making less sales per mailout
  • Stop limiting yourself only to the email addresses that are opted in using the autoresponder's system
  • Stop being unable to change providers and being unable to use professional SMTPs to mail out.
  • Stop getting low results because you can't segment or test your list and laser-target your emails.

Take Charge Of Your Email Marketing Again

Reduce Costs & Reap Benefits

  • Time you grabbed better delivery, open rates, and click through rates.
  • Time you grabbed more choices in autoresponders without worrying about getting rejected.
  • Time you grabbed the capability to mail out any list at all using SMTP services like Sendgrid.
  • Time you grabbed the best price on list-cleaning without any recurring fee.
  • Time you grabbed advanced list-management and segmentation features.
  • Time you grabbed Capability to mail nearly any lead you want with complete confidence.
  • It's time to take your business to the next level by reducing your email marketing costs.

It's Time For You To Really Make it big
with Email-Marketing


Email Marketing Is A Beast. Now Unleash it!

Here's one thing about business - You can't run it with only half the heart and be competitive. If you're not competitive you'll be driven out of business in no time. This is as true about your niche and email marketing as any other business.

If you fail to reach and sell to your customers through emails, your competitor will do it.

Don't let it happen. Don't let unclean and unmanaged lists dent your productivity. Not when you can solve this problem so easily today.

What People Are Saying?

Oagile Gaogane
"It is a must have tool."
Rex Raynor
"EMAIL CONFIDENCE: this is exactly what List Janitor provides. A clean list is mandatory for legitimate email marketmg wth email service providers or your own email server. List Janitor serves all its users to make sure their lists are in compliance with email regulatry guidlelines and optimized for delivery. Its simple. List Janitor cleans up your email lists so you dont have to."

Proudly Made by Teknikforce - A 5 Stars Company



Rated 4.9 Stars Over 188 Reviews on Google


Multiple 5 Star Products on G2, Capterra


Over 100,000 Users Across The World

Untangle The Threads Of Your Email Lists
And Gain More From Them With List Janitor

Special One-Time Offer
List Janitor Pro
image image image image image
  • Unlimited Lists
  • Unlimited Leads
  • Unlimited Cleaning
  • 3 Computers License
  • Perfect for Pro Marketers
  • Commercial use license
  • 2 Years Free Upgrade
  • One-Time Payment
    (Limited Offer)
$27 Yearly
Free Upgrades
24 / 6 Chat Support

Special One-Time Price


Money Back Guarantee

Making up your mind is hard, especially when it's a new technology that you haven't tried yet. Well,we really want you to have the first mover's advantage, and that's why we are prepared to bear all the risk.

Here's our guarantee!

Buy List Janitor, and use it for up to 30 days risk-free. If you don't like what it does for you and your business, just let us know within 30 days through a support ticket at and we will refund you 100% of the money you paid

Support Guarantee

Bad support can destroy your investment and happiness. When you buy from Teknikforce you get the guarantee of good quality support.

24 x 6 Live Chat Support Guarantee

We have 24 x 6 chat support here. Yes, if you ever have any issues using List Janitor, just come to this website and talk to our live support agent. We are always here to guide you.

24 Hours Ticket Response Guarantee

When you open a ticket with us, you'll get a guaranteed response within 24 hours.

Live Assistance Guarantee

Having trouble making something work? Our tech agents will help you on Skype and on Teamviewer / Ultraviewer to fix your problem.

30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, it runs on Mac as well as Windows operating systems.

List Janitor actually gets you far better results in speed and accuracy if you run it on a Windows VPS, A VPS license is available to Pro buyers.

Yes, it doesn't matter where you got it from. You can clean absolutely any list using List Janitor.

Yes, List Janitor runs on nearly any network.

Nope. List Janitor uses the same technology that web-based professional email list cleaners do.
30 Days Refund 24 / 6 Chat Support Satisfaction Guarantee